Have you ever heard of the problems tourism can generate in city centers? Or a conversation about local souvenirs that may actually be produced elesewhere?
C.U.L.T.U.R.E. aimed to reflect at the role of “culture” in its most wide meaning, such as a common matrix for the selected cities forming the consortium, all awarded with the World Heritage label by Unesco.
The project was a Transnational Cooperation project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the MED Programme.
A special attention is given to culture as driver for economic growth. The chosen approach was to integrate the knowledge, the practices and the financial tools used by the different level of local governance. Local public players shared the same issues, needs and objectives.
The Consortium was formed by regional and local authorities from Italy, Spain and Greece and Croatia.
My role was to support the financial and administrative follow-up of the Municipality of Tarragona (Spain), as well as the technical support to the project coordination.
Total grant: 1.078.335,86 euros.https://interreg-med.eu/